Friday, November 09, 2007

The Inevitable Rise and Liberation of Music

After giving away the "source code" to his music (garageband/logic* or raw formats), and making it available via torrents, Trent Reznor (Nine Inch Nails) and Saul Williams are giving away their album as an 83MB zip file containing the entire record as 192Kbps DRM-free LAME encoded MP3s along with a PDF booklet.

"The Inevitable Rise and Liberation of NiggyTardust!" is a joint Trent Reznor / Saul Williams feature. If you feel like supporting the artist, feel free to donate 5$, and get the higher quality version in either mp3 or flac format:

  • 320Kbps MP3 (very high quality, larger file size - approx 128MB)
  • FLAC lossless (exact CD quality but unplayable in iTunes and Windows Media Player - approx 395MB)

All files are 100% DRM Free.

"Personally, I would like people to support artists," Reznor said. "After all, we as artists dedicate our lives to producing the best music we can. It's been a painful process for me personally (to see the changes in the music industry). But should I be angry at the audience that wants to hear music so much, an audience that is so passionate about hearing it they go online to get it two weeks before the music debuts? No, I want them to be that way."

It's good to see artists are finally supporting music and not RIAA or DRM or the industry cronies.

Did I mention NIN has their own official youtube feed?

Music too expensive? "You know what that means - steal it! steal it, steal some more, give it to your friends and keep on stealing. Bet I didn't make any friends by saying that" - Trent Reznor

Neat little follow-up:

Gene Simmons (KISS bass "axe" player) blames college kids for ruining music biz:

"Every little college kid, every freshly-scrubbed little kid's face should have been sued off the face of the earth. They should have taken their houses and cars and nipped it right there in the beginning."

Oh yeah, blast those teens with their Humvees and villas who steal music from the poor little artists!

1 comment:

  1. And it's actually a pretty good album! Though it could do with less of Trent's Generic Garage Band Drum Loops (seriously, wtf?). The cover of "Sunday Bloody Sunday" is absolutely amazing.
