Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Review: Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity

Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free ProductivityGetting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity by David Allen

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I've been using the methods and techniques described in GTD along side mind mapping in practice for over 8 years (mostly due to tools like OneNote, Emacs ORG mode, XMind/Fremind, etc). Reading this book has definitely helped optimize my workflow and planning into something quite a bit more efficient.

Right now I'm still looking to overhaul my tooling, OneNote isn't available on UNIX-like system (though it mostly works with wine), and Emacs ORG mode isn't practical for pasting images, screenshots, video, audio, files, etc. and such for reference.

It's tried a bunch of Java tools (Thinking Rock and GTD Free) but they're not very good for reference, note taking and reminders / calendar stuff. So far it's proving hard to beat the OneNote + Outlook + Project combo.

One tool I've been using for a while now (probably an year or so) along side OneNote is Tracks . It's a RoR webapp that covers most things in the GTD workflow. Although import/export isn't yet available as of version 2.0, it gets the job done. It's also available from Bitnami as a pre-installed stack.

If you're into GTD or just like to organize yourself with TODOS, tasks, projects and such, Tracks is worth a try.

View all my reviews

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